Monday, December 15, 2014


Chandler can crawl, then pull her self up to stand... I'll bet she will be walking soon. She skipped the "normal crawling" and prefers to crawl like a little mermaid.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

SEVEN Months of Accomplishments

Chandler has done a lot in seven months, she is eating big girl foods. She loves playing with toys, especially if she can bite them. Her two teeth came in around five and a half months but now her teeth are mountainous! She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth, then she will lunge on to her tummy to get anything in her reach. As a mom I had enjoyed holding her and rocking her to sleep, she gets so wound up and does best if I sooth her before putting her in her crib. For a while I could just lay her down and she would go nighty night, but now that she is more mobile she will wiggle so much in her crib that she ends up with her entire leg sticking through the crib railing!! And of course she can't get herself out, so then I have to rescue her and get her all calmed down again. So our little night routine is a bath, story time, milk, and then we snuggle while she gets all calm. Her little head rests on my shoulder and I nuzzle up to her soft cheek, and sometimes i find myself thinking about Chandler's wedding day or when she goes to college and I just want her to stay little and snuggle. I also want her to grow up and progress. I want her to have a testimony of Jesus Christ and be able to pray to Heavenly Father, life is full of things that I am excited for her to experience. But for now, I just love my little girl. 

FALL in Love

Life is good here in Maple Valley, Washington we really are enjoying the people, our house, the neighborhood, and Trever is even enjoying his commute since I got him some audio books at the library! One thing that has stood out to me this week is the conscious choice I have to be happy.... Today I looked outside and said, "wow, it's sunny!" I should have taken a picture, because it really wasn't that sunny... It was just sunny for Seattle :) We have learned to do things in the rain, we went on a little hike last week in the rain, I have a jogging  stroller with a rain cover, and I have put my rain boots to good use. 

Trever picked a flower for me :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Little Miss Tucket

There is a darling nursery rhyme called "Little Miss Tucket"... we've all heard of little Miss Muffet.. but Little Miss Tucket is even better. 

Little Miss Tucket
Sat on her bucket
Eating her peaches and cream
There came a grass hopper
That tried hard to stop her
and she said, "Go away or I'll scream".


Chandler blows bubbles

Trever set up his phone to video himself playing peek-a-boo with Chandler while I was away. Now we know what Trever does while he babysits :)

This girl has a lot of drool....

Jungle boogie!.. she's starting to scooch off the play mat!

Diaper free time! I love that nakey bum.

Ready for church!

Trever was in charge of a combined mutual activity a few weeks ago. We did water balloon volleyball, it was a hit, the kids loved it, and the weather was beautiful.

Cute supermodel baby.

That little face is so precious! Trever got her all ready for church, thank goodness Chandler doesn't have hair yet... Trever hasn't been trained in braiding and piggy tails!

Trever and I were really impressed with Elder Bednar's address about flooding the internet with goodness using the hashtag #ShareGoodness. Here is one of the pictures we shared during a family home evening.

Thanks for the diva baby bib grandma!

Reaching for toys. As dad says, "She's advanced" :)

Me and my sisters play "Where you at"... so you have to take a picture where ever you are and send it. Here is a real classy one as we were snuggling on the couch. 

We are buying a house! Maple Valley here we come. 

I was really touched by the woman who made this beanie for Chandler. She has had a really rough life and made some bad choices, including harming herself. She bore her testimony about how her trials have brought her closer to the Lord and have helped her to assist others with the same struggles. This woman crochets as a nervous habit, she saw Chandler prior to sacrament meeting, and before 3rd hour began she gave me this cute beanie. I was amazed. This woman has been through a lot, yet she took the time to notice me, a little new mom, and she acted, she gave a sweet gift and shared her talent. Thank you to Nancy McLean Farmer.

For Family Home Evening we took a picture together and shared a spiritual message on social media, I want the whole world to belong to an active family!

Trever came home one day and said, "Ken, what do we have to eat. Our fridge is empty" I kindly told him that we have a mortgage so now we get to have a "home-owners-fridge" lol.

Driving to the temple, we really enjoyed doing sealings together. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Snoqualmie Adventures

Today we went to Snoqualmie Railroad Days, it made me feel more American and sparked a bit of love for the state of Washington. Up until today I haven't really cared for WA, but when you get out of the city it makes you realize there are good people and good neighborhoods, you just have to find them. 

Snoqualmie Railroad is now a cute passenger train for tourists :)

We then ventured over to the "Lumberjack Games" where they had an Ax Throw, the Two Man Bucksaw Race, and other Washington RedNeck games... the truth is I loved it! I was quite entertained and it reminded me of the Tractor Pull that we have back home!

I love the green trees, I am beginning to see why people like it here!

Snoqualmie Falls is beautiful... the picture isn't that great... but that is what you get when you have nice strangers take your photo. Trever doesn't really like to ask other people to take our picture, he doesn't like to inconvenience them so it would be super embarrassing if I were to ask the stranger to re-take a photo... thus we just roll on with the photos we are blessed with! 

Plus, it's not like I am some amazing photographer!

We hiked down to the bottom of the falls, and then hiked back up to the top, it was nice and scenic... I took this picture while walking... I now feel bad about complaining about other people's photography! Mine is horrible, but mom would be proud of me for taking pictures!!!

The river at the bottom of the falls was BEAUTIFUL. We sat there for a while with our feet in the water. Cute Miss Chandler was alseep so Trever and I just chatted and cooled our toesies off.
Pine trees always remind me of my dad.

Chandler is quite the hiker!

This boardwalk was PACKED with people... so we got an OK glance at the falls... we took a quick family selfie and headed out. There was no way Trever was asking someone to take our picture in that mob!

Chandler loves her daddy! She also loves her pink track suit even though it is too big for her... we are raising an athlete, so she's gotta look the part. 

After the hike I was SO hungry and thirsty! On the 30 minute drive home I told Trever, "I'm so hungry I might die, I'm pretty sure. Pull over here. This is a beautiful area, you can bury me. I don't think I'll make it to Red Robin" But I was really craving a good burger, so I decided to stick it out. Dinner was awesome and it was so lovely to have a family outing!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Chandler is FOUR Months Old!

It is hard to believe that Chandler is already FOUR months old, elderly ladies always say "ohhh time flies, it was just yesterday that I was nursing my baby, he's 45 now"... I kind see how that happens, it just goes by fast. Here are a few pictures of Chandler's latest milestones:

SITTING: She can kind sit up on her own, I'm just holding her hand, not really holding her up... but as you can see she starts to slump. But hey, it's progress! Also, note that Chandler is in jeans, socks, and a hoodie #seattlesummer
She can also sit in the bumbo seat for a brief moment, again she starts to slump, but it is SO exciting!
She loves her hands :)

AIRPLANE: She just giggles the whole time we play airplane!

KICKING: Chandler will kick so fast that she will move the blankie and scooch her way across the floor. This picture kind shows her little fast legs.

ROLLING: She can roll from her tummy to her back... sometimes she gets stuck half way in between. But she's always happy when she can find her hands :)

SUCKING: She found her tumb!

Her leg looks chubby from this angle!

MARINERS: We got a bundle of Mariners tickets so we get to go more often now.. they aren't season tickets, but I guess they can be season tickets for poor kids :)

It was a chilly day at Safeco Field, Chandler was wearing two pairs of pants, a onesie, a jacket, her beanie, then her Minnie Mouse hoodie!

I love those chubby cheeks!!!
.... when we went to take professional pictures, Chandler kept giving the photographer this face.

PROFESSIONAL PICTURES: It took two trips to the photographer to get her to have ONE picture where she is smiling. Silly girl :)